Jaydeep Sarangi is a bilingual writer, editor, translator and author of a number of significant publications on Postcolonial issues, Indian Writing in English, Australian Literature, Marginal literatures and Creative Writing in reputed journals/magazines in India and abroad.
He edits "New Fiction Journal" (ISSN 0978 – 6863) and one of the Editors of "Writers Editors Critics", the Vice President of GIEWEC (Guild of Indian English Writers, Editors and Critics, head office at Kerala).
Sarangi has delivered keynote addresses on poetry in several national and international seminars and conferences in India and many other countries. Widely anthologised and reviewed as a poet, he authors five poetry collections in English and one in Bengali. His latest book of poems is The Wall and Other Poems (2015).His sixth book of poems, Broken Strings of Lie is in press.
“Jaydeep Sarangi’s poems are moving testaments to parallel lives lived on either side of walls. Personal and political, they summon up the evanescent beauty of small moments with a quiet reflectiveness that speaks volumes about experiences that cross borders.” , Says John Thieme, Professor of postcolonial writing at the University of East Anglia, UK.