Setu Editorial

This is a collector’s item.

In the November issue, Setu hosts some exceptional talents. Tabish Khair is a special guest. The fabulous author-academic writes exclusively for us---a gift we cherish for life.
It is a dream come true, having the globally-respected writer on board.

Sunil Sharma
Then there is Selwyn Rodda--- an accomplished visual artist from Australia--- who has sent his finest collection of art for the discerning patrons of this e-zine. His images are raw commentary on the current culture and as relevant as the surrealistic paintings that heralded a new movement in the ever-changing artscape of the West.

Indeed lucky to have such loving support from outstanding artists like Tabish and Selwyn and remain grateful to them---and, in the same measure, to the other contributors, equally important, for adding to the overall value of the magazine launched only few months back, in USA.

Another reason that makes this issue unusual is that Setu has decided to announce awards for excellence in the field of literature and arts. This year’s inaugural e- awards go to Tabish Khair and Usha Kishore: Writers that have electrified us by their sheer energy, monumental presence and overarching visions for a united humanity, as opposed to divisive politics being played out in developed nations and elsewhere, as a conscious political strategy of consolidating the ultra conservative votes. Alt-right needs to be countered. serious writing does that.

Setu feels honoured in honouring these two distinct diasporic signatures acting as a crucial Setu (bridge) between different nations and cultures via their works.

These are comforting and saner voices for readers seeking meaning in this age of Brexit and vitriolic; fear of the immigrant and ethnic communities, and, rise of the anti-liberal forces worldwide. 
Congrats to these two writers who always have supported good cause, literary journalism, small press and magazines, and, stood for finer values, despite challenges posed by the status quo.

We are fortunate that they have gracefully accepted our humble appreciation. Big writers are big because they never allow anybody to feel small.

Next month, Setu awards for excellence in Hindi will be announced.

Our commitment to serve the society and culture via the e-zine Setu continues in modest way.

There are fine trans-creations/ translations of Faiz and Tagore as well by two well-known poets, Vinita Agrawal and Lopa Banerjee.

Besides that, the other regular features make it an interesting read.

Join the rolling caravan.

Your presence is most important for us in this onward journey to lands far off.

---Sunil Sharma
Mumbai, India