Translation: Hungarian Poetry

Kรกroly Fellinger's poems translated by Kรกroly Sรกndor Pallai

I inherited the liberty of oblivion
from my father, I go to sleep over this every night
and awake to myself,
to the wounded game awaiting me
to send me to the devil,
and to devour my appetite.
Eternal hope lasts only for a moment
while, as a kid, my father lifts me up high
so that I can finally reach the stars
and stay there if need be.
Then I break loose from my father’s
grasp, flying to the brightest star
with good conscience
and by the time I come to like it, when I
picture my life there, with a heavy heart,
I fall back
with the star
into the arms of my father.
He, of course, finds me too heavy
and puts me down
on the ground.

A felejtรฉs szabadsรกgรกt รถrรถkรถltem
apรกmtรณl, minden nap erre alszom el,
s magamra รฉbredek,
a sebzett vadra, aki rรกm vรกr,
hogy elkรผldjรถn egy melegebb รฉghajlatra,
s fรถlzabรกlja รฉtvรกgyam.
Az รถrรถk remรฉny egy pillanatig tart csak,
amรญg, mint gyermeket, magasba emel apรกm,
hogy vรฉgรผl is elรฉrjem a csillagot,
s ha kell, ott maradjak.
Aztรกn kiszabadรญtom magamat apรกm
szorรญtรกsรกbรณl, tiszta lelkiismerettel repรผlรถk
a legfรฉnyesebb csillaghoz,
s mikor mรกr megszeretem, mikor mรกr
elkรฉpzelem az ottani รฉletem, a csillaggal egyรผtt,
nehรฉz szรญvvel,
visszahullok apรกm karjaiba.
Aki persze sรบlyosnak talรกl
รฉs lerak
a fรถldre.


God doesn’t exist
so that he forgive.

I wouldn’t let him anyway.

The hayrick that
I stacked for myself
‒ taking great pains
over it myself – 
is simply a pincushion.

Perfection is a possibility
with loose threads,
a single hair
clutching at the comb.

On the altar
of my remorse,
my guardian angel
puts everything in order
after me.

Another week
has gone,
it’s Monday again.


Isten azรฉrt nincs, 
hogy megbocsรกjtson.

Nem is hagynรกm neki.

A szalmakazal, amit
magamnak raktam, 
amivel magam
bรญbelล‘dtem -
egyszerลฑen tลฑpรกrna.

A tรถkรฉletessรฉg 
elvarratlan lehetล‘sรฉg, 
fรฉsลฑbe kapaszkodรณ

rendet rak

Mรกr megint elmรบlt 
egy hรฉt, 
hรฉtfล‘ van.


Miracles are actually
a kind of swallow’s nest
to which, with a bit of luck,
the swallow couple might return next year too.

Miracles are actually
uncommon things
for which you don’t have to
lose consciousness,

like you fall into a half-dug,
bottomless well
where the frog gives you a kiss
to turn you back into a frog.

You can only
slip out of the present,
the future, just like your skin,
is undetachable.


A csodรกk valรณjรกban olyan
amikbe egy kis szerencsรฉvel
jรถvล‘re is visszatรฉr a fecskepรกr.

A csodรกk valรณjรกban olyan
nem mindennapi dolgok,
amikรฉrt nem kell
รถnkรญvรผletbe esned,

mint egy feneketlen,
fรฉlig kรฉsz kรบtba,
ahol a bรฉka azรฉrt ad csรณkot, 
hogy visszavรกltozz bรฉkรกvรก.

Csak a jelenbล‘l
tudsz kibรบjni, 
a jรถvล‘ akรกr a bล‘rรถd, 