Take this ship and
sail to a land awaiting
your presence before
you were born.
Before the heavens
declared your name
on earth.
Some say never ask
for what you can’t
The ax is sharp enough
to cut the wind.
The moon reads mind—
center of the universe
conspiring to bring you
what is for you.
Love and Such
The road leads to the river where on summer days
lovers meet late in the evening to remind themselves that time
can go slow if they allow it.
The great moon once had children who grew too big and
disappeared because of this. No one knows where they went
but when a child is born a moon is born.
I am calling out to the seekers to keep seeking. Say a prayer for
the journey and hold strong to it. You give birth to goals by moving
Positive Vibration
Speak life into
what you want
out of life.
Carry your dreams
in your spirit. Allow
them to fly.
Pray often. Meditate
on everything. The
mind is a vessel that
travels. That reflects.
Stand strong
in the storms of
life. They too
shall pass.
Have fun.
celebrate life
with every breath.
Bio: Elvis Alves is the author of Bitter Melon (2013), Ota Benga (2017), and I Am No Battlefield But A Forest Of Trees Growing (2018), winner of the Jacopone da Todi poetry book prize. Elvis lives in New York City with his family.
** ISSN 2475-1359 **
* Bilingual monthly journal published from Pittsburgh, USA :: рдкिрдЯ्рд╕рдмрд░्рдЧ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рд╕े рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢िрдд рдж्рд╡ैрднाрд╖िрдХ рдоाрд╕िрдХ *
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