I as a child was a docile and introvert person who
used to confine herself in a shell. It was way tough for me to express myself
and speak out with others what was going inside my head. Girls of my age used
to drool on so many things in their teenage days and here I had none to share
my feelings with. I was skinny and dark who felt ugly and useless. Being an
average person, I wasn’t up to the mark on any scale. Be it studies, looks or
other skill and co-curricular activities. It was tough and kind of suffocating
for me, but I had none in whom I could confide and share what I felt. Although
I had few friends in my class, but they too were just like me, dull and unnoticeable.
I used to find respite in painting and reading.
Painting was a liberation for my heart. The zigzag sketches and colors of my
paintings, somehow deployed the inner me. Nature allured my heart and mind and
I could easily depict those things via the stroke of my paintbrush and vibrant
colors. Myriad thoughts invaded my heart and mind, I used to connect them with
the rising and settling sun. The beauty of dusk, the azure skies, the
singing of birds. All these were my expressions of joy when I felt solace.
Often I used to gaze at the starlit sky counting the stars and trying to
configure a story, contemplating about them in my mind. Other thing that I
liked was reading. It let the inner me dream and decipher a new world where
no-one was there to judge me or let me feel inferior because of my looks or
ability. I was an avid reader and would read and try to grasp things that I
couldn’t understand sometimes.
Quite later in my life I realized that I had
inferiority complex during my teenage days. That was the reason why I used to
hide myself behind others. Having zero confidence, it felt as if I was good for
I used to be in awe of those who took part in various
competitions and co-curricular activities in school and emerge winners. I
couldn’t even stand up and answer properly in class. Whenever my class teacher
tried to send my name for quiz competition, I would be blank and fumbled for
words in front of others even when I knew the answers. Same happened if I dared
enough to take part in debate, although in my mind I could recite the whole
thing quite aptly. The words would just get stuck in my mouth, my heart beat
raced and I felt humiliated as others laughed and hooted behind. Every day, I
dragged myself to complete my task with zero enthusiasm and no motive. I barely
existed for others in class.
That day two years back, when our social group visited
the girl's orphanage for celebrating Christmas in December, it all came back
rushing to my mind. There I found a dark-skinned, timid girl standing in a
corner. Her big eyes lit up when the song played on the music system as we sang
Christmas carols and most of the girls joined. She just stood there watching
everyone dancing and enjoying with eager eyes. Our eyes met and I insisted her
to join others saying,
“Tumhara naam kya hai? Aao agey aake tum
bhi perform karo sabke sath.” (What’s your name? Come
to the front, perform with all others in the group.)
“Nhi madam, mujhe ye sab nhi aata.” (No
Madam, I can’t do all this). She replied, bashfully.
Somehow, I could feel that she wished to do all the
things what others were doing.
I held her hand and let her towards the girls in the
center of the room where others were dancing on the beat of the song.
“We wish you a Merry Christmas!” Holding her hand, I
sang along.
“Chalo abhi sabko karna hoga, koi bahana
nhi chalega” (Come on, everybody has to do it.) I said,
with a steadfast voice.
At first, she resisted. Then gradually she picked up
as we all cheered her with our clapping and whistles. As the music changed to a
fast dance number, she danced enthusiastically, making most of the moment.
We were literally in awe when she danced her heart
out. Though all the girls there were not very talented, but it felt heartening
to see the little angels enjoying, especially Tia.
Yes, that was her name. Her eyes shone with brilliance
when we all applauded her, and she grinned ear to ear, red with all the
I said, “abhi kitna acha perform ki aur nakhre kar
rhi thi ki mujhe nhi aata.”
(Just now you were performing so nicely, why then did
you say that you couldn’t do it?)
She was like, “mujhe laga mai kharab karungi to sab
hasenge mujhpe.” (I thought I would perform poorly, and everyone
would laugh at me.)
I saw in her a mirror image of my own childhood. She
was unaware of her skills, having no confidence in herself. A gentle push and
she was in. A bit of appreciation and cheering did the much-needed magic.
As I reflect back on the days when I was a loner
myself, it pains me to think how things are around us. We all are bound by our
limitations, our self-made prejudices regarding the way a person should be. God
created this beautiful world. Aren’t all creations of lord beautiful in their
own way? Only we impose infringements on
them, and those create shackles that impede their growth.
In a class-divided society, we think we need to fit in
to be the perfect one! But why do we need to be perfect? Why can’t people
accept us the way we are? All these thoughts used to ransack my mind and it
felt suffocating.
The situation never changes, it’s our mindset that we
need to incur change upon. For me it proved correct. When I was at my lowest, a
few true friends showed up and their acceptance of me uplifted my soul. The
motivation of doing better paved my path towards a better tomorrow. I don’t say
that it completely changed my world, but yes, it did make a significant change
in my attitude and my perception towards life.
A bit of appreciation and acceptance goes a long way.
I learned that lesson long back but it comes handy all the way to breathe a new
lease of life again. Tia's happy and glowing face reflected that Midas touch of
a compassionate heart which would be her guiding light….
Bio: Madhu Jaiswal is a bilingual poet and social worker hailing from Kolkata, India. She is associated with The Impish Lass Publishing House, Mumbai in the capacity of an executive editor. She has 7 anthologies as an editor to her credit. Her creative contributions have been published in various national and international anthologies and she often gets featured in prestigious e-zines. Her poetry was recently featured in the prestigious anthology Aatish 2 alongside various stalwarts. Also she bagged third prize in Beyond Black Sakhi Annual Poetry Awards 2019. She is attached to a social group named Share A Smile and volunteers for social cause and upliftment of destitute individuals.
Quite free flow of thoughts and nice narrative
ReplyDeleteI think not so many have a courage or they dare to write bitter truth of life... It’s a tale of massive failures and anguishing struggle...There were many times u were down and out...obviously lost in the darkness as u couldn’t even see the light...but later...u travel a path that is a story of triumph amongst the tragedy...It’s a rekindling of fire when ur spark was almost gone...u uncovered ur strength and unleashed ur courage...it's really appreciated by me that how u clawed ur way out of the abyss into the light...I wish if I could have been there to accompany u... but anyway..u r gorgeous in all the ways that matter..deep and soulful...I wish to walk beside u and appreciate everything that went into making urself the beautifully broken heart that roared back from the fire...really..hats off u u... bows... u r a real beautiful soul...