Seven poems by the Brazilian poet Jos├й In├бcio Vieira de Melo

Shelly Bhoil

Translated from the Brazilian-Portuguese by Shelly Bhoil




What has spoken the most to me is silence,

but a silence that’s plural– of fire-

which with its scarlet tongue blazes the words

and burns them before they become.


A silence from somewhere far away—from the inner shores—

that speaks all the time without giving a name to what is said.


There is an image in the dream: and intoxicated, I see

its face—a formidable countenance:

as beautiful as a god can be.


The silence, the one that speaks and the one I speak about so much

is a hieroglyphic poem,

and these verses: translation and codification.





O que mais tem falado em mim ├й o sil├кncio,

mas um sil├кncio plural -de fogo –

que com sua lingua escarlate abrasa as palavras

e as queima antes de serem.


Um sil├кncio de l├б, de longe – das plagas interiores –

que fala o tempo todo sem dar nome ao dito.


Em sonho ├й imagem: e vejo, inebriado,

a sua cara—semblante formid├бvel:

t├гo formoso quanto pode ser um deus.


O sil├кncio, este que fala e de que tanto falo

├й um hierogl├нfico poema,

e estes versos: tradu├з├гo e codifica├з├гo.



For Alo├нsio Vieira de Melo

My father

kisses his hands,

not how a man

pretends to kiss those of God,

but how a tree

kisses its roots.




Para Alo├нsio Vieira de Melo

Meu pai

beija suas m├гos,

n├гo como um homem

pretende beijar as de Deus,

mas como uma ├бrvore

beija suas ra├нzes.




There's a tiger inside the clock,

running through the dreams

crossing the savannah of time.

When its roar surfaces

and its claws scratch the desert stones,

the letters that make up my verses

get etched in my core.





H├б um tigre dentro do rel├│gio,

correndo por entre os sonhos

a atravessando a savana do tempo.

Quando vem ├а tona seu rugido

e suas garras arranham as pedras do deserto,

ficam insculpidas no meu ├вmago

as letras que comp├╡em os meus versos.



The backwoods

are within the distance.


It's only for those who know how to be close

when far away.


The backwoods

are for those who know how to be far away.




O Sert├гo

├й dentro dos longes.


├Й s├│ pra quem sabe estar perto

quando longe.


O Sert├гo

├й pra quem sabe ser longe.



Minting seismic shocks,

that's my job.


I dive into the dream

and fathom deeper

in search of the uncreated.


And how strange is

the luminous ore

which appears so briskly!


So as not to blind me

with the self-obsessed jewel,


which crosses diamonds

in a wave of mirrored



I rub it on my body,

the cautery that touches the soul

scattering embers.


There is sprouting of living verses,

sweaty smiles,

welled up tears.





Cunhar abalos s├нsmicos,

eis o meu of├нcio.


Mergulho no sonho

e vou ao mais profundo

em busca do incriado.


E como ├й estranho

o luminoso min├йrio

que surge assim precipitado!


Para n├гo me cegar

com a ensimesmada joia,


que atravessa diamantes

numa onda de am├бlgamas



esfrego-a no corpo,

caut├йrio que toca na alma

espalhando brasas.


├Й brotam versos vivos,

sorrisos suados,

l├бgrimas talhadas.




To read a book
is to spell the calligraphy of dreams
and decipher the score of origin.
The books sing to us the way home.



Ler um livro

├й soletrar a caligrafia do sonho

e decifrar a partitura da origem.


Os livros cantam o caminho de casa.




The fires of the body

reveal its thirst of losing itself

to discover itself.


We are temples

that receive all the winds

and go out with them, carrying

around uncertainties.


A desire takes shape

and clothes the spirit

with a breastplate of light.


Yes, I need to end

the brutality

inside the caves.


Now is the time to

forge a new being.





Os inc├кndios do corpo

revelam a sede de se perder

para assim se descobrir.


Somos templos

que recebem todos os ventos

e saem com eles, por a├н, carregando incertezas.


Uma vontade ganha

forma e veste o esp├нrito

com uma coura├зa de luz.


Sim, ├й preciso acabar

com a brutalidade

dentro das cavernas.


Agora ├й tempo

de forjar um novo ser.


Jos├й In├бcio Vieira de Melo (b. 1968) is one of Brazil’s leading contemporary poets from Alagoas. He is author of nine books of poetry besides publishing his poems in various journals and anthologies. His poems have been translated into German, Arabic, Spanish, Finnish, French, English and Italian. Some of his awards include O Capital 2005 for A terceira Romaria, QUEM 2015 for Sete e Hilda Hilst Poetry Award, UBE/RJ 2022, for Garatujas Selvagens. He is also a journalist and cultural producer and lives in Bahia.

Shelly Bhoil is an Indian poet, editor and translator, and lives in Brazil.

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