- Joyita Shaw
Patriarchy is ever
growing and ever expanding menace. When the world started thinking that its
grip is weakening, the #meToo movement started trending from West to East. The
best products of the deep-rooted traditional patriarchy are countries like
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arab, Iran, Bangladesh, and India and so on. Despite the long battle fought by female
suffragists, Malala Yousafzai was shot in her head in 2012. Malala, a teenage
girl of Pakistan and her only fault was that she wanted to go to school like
other boys of her age. On the other hand, Masih Alinejad, the writer of The wind in my Hair is living in exile
in New York for raising her voice against the compulsory hijab in Iran. The
present paper focuses on the rueful existence of women folk in Pakistan and
Iran through the eyes of two extraordinary women, Masih Alinejad and Malala
Yousafzai. The paper also reflects the counter-attack against all injustice
meted to women by these two ordinary women in two extraordinary journeys.
ongoing fight for the center: A study of
two memoirs, The Wind In My Hair and I am Malala
Patriarchy is ever
growing and ever expanding menace. When the world started thinking that its
grip is weakening, the #meToo movement started trending from West to East. This
year, the Swedish Academy decided to skip the ceremony of announcing any winner
for the Nobel Prize; the reason is ongoing controversy related to sexual
assault. The best products of the deep-rooted traditional patriarchy are countries
like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arab, Iran, Bangladesh, and India and so on. From voting right to license for driving a car,
Arabian women had to fight a long battle until recently for some basic human
rights. Women in Iran cannot have the custody of their children after divorce, cannot
hold important political position, cannot go abroad without her father’s or
husband’s permission, have no freedom of
choice in dressing. In India, one woman in every second gets killed in the name
of honor killing, or dowry and sometimes only because a girl child is unwanted
in the male-centric society. Social security, malnutrition, illiteracy, body
shaming, acid attack, unwanted pregnancy, gang rape, marital rape are some issues
which yet to be taken into serious account by law in eastern countries.
In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft raised
the issue of women’s education followed by a series of other advocates of women’s
rights like Stuart Mill, Woolf, Simon de Beauvoir, and others. Despite the long
battle fought by suffragists, Malala Yousafzai was shot in her head in 2012.
Malala, a teenage girl of Pakistan and her only fault was that she wanted to go
to school like other boys of her age. On the other hand, Masih Alinejad, the
writer of The wind in my Hair is
living in exile in New York for raising her voice against the compulsory hijab
in Iran. She endured her father’s rage for refusing to wear Chador, jailed for
writing against the Islamic republic, lost custody of her son after divorce,
and compelled to leave her country for fighting for basic human rights. The worst of every possibility for women’s
survival has got expressed in Afghani novelist Khaled Hossein’s novels. Life is
like a burning inferno for women in these countries. The present paper focuses
on the rueful existence of women folk in Pakistan and Iran through the eyes of
two extraordinary women, Masih Alinejad and Malala Yousafzai. The paper also
reflects the counter-attack against all injustice meted to women by these two
ordinary women in extraordinary journeys.
The word Freedom
is a coveted word for most women in the family oriented societies of the east.
“Freedom” is something which a woman must acquire and not inherited by birth; a
highly priced object that depends on the whims and impulses of the male members
of the family and society at large. Women’s narratives are expressions of
self-knowledge, gendered experience, the assertion of feminine sensibility,
confessions of innumerous struggle, suppression of dreams and sometimes refusal
to stay subservient, seeking autonomy. The reasons are endless and intricate.
In the recent past, the trend of writing memoirs has increased. As a subjective
genre, memoir allows women to utilize the space to voice their protest being
marginal. It is a form of literature, an assortment of life-shaping memories.
So what makes the
two women of the present concern, one? What is the reason for all the fuss? What
similarity exists between a burkha-clad woman and a working woman in a
corporate office? Is there any familiarity between an actress of show business
and with and an illiterate maidservant? What could bind the two women together
in sisterhood, one who is struggling hard to manage her black chador, and the
other, a teenage girl of Pakistan doubting her stars to get a basic education? Is it simply the desire to get educated on
Malala’s part or harmless act of letting one’s hair free in wind on part of Alienijad?
Or these are the collective voice of thousands of women in every corner of the
world, wishing to free themselves from the suffocating customs of patriarchy which
always out to push them towards the margin?
The gender
politics of South Asia and the Middle East play a pivotal role in tightening
the rope of Patriarchy around women; it has successfully managed to maintain
the lower rank of women within the dominant discourse. It works politically, socially,
and religiously as well as within a family as the lowest constituent of any
state. In the of countries like Iran and Pakistan external forces, like America
and Russia also play a key role in shaping the cultural history and gendered
To investigate any
issue in its core, one must look back into political history as well as gender
role within the history. Iran was not the way as it is now. Masih in her
memoir, The Wind In My Hair, explains
the history of Iran explicitly. She vividly narrates, how people were
brainwashed in the name of religion and brought the end of the heydays of Iranian
women. In 1976, “The Islamic revolution overthrew Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,
ending more than two millennia of rules by Persian kings.” “So modern Iran is
all about the ‘tension between secular tendencies of its population and the forced
Islamification of the society.” (TWIMH-23).
Now, women In Iran are struggling against sharia law, violations of
human rights and civil liberties. Masih describes the whole incident as a
drawback to women born in so-called modern Iran as they feel that it is a state
of disability. The people of Iran backed by women had also fought against Saha regime
because they wanted a government free of corruption. However, revolution only
shifted the power from one hand to another. Moreover, revolutionaries fooled
people by using Islam to wage war against the earlier government, which eventually
threw Iran quite backward. The history had other complex issues which reveal
political interference of Britain and Russia during 1941. Yet the time was in favor
of women who got modern, secular education, legal support in inheriting
property and in divorce, drove cars, worked outside the home, voted in elections,
run political offices and worked in the cabinet as well. It was a time when
religious women wearing hijab and modern women without hijab co-exist side by
side. Hence, history reveals the twist and turns of the events and their role
in shaping the fate of women in the east. The oppressors justified their acts
by misinterpreting religious texts, and altering history deliberately to benefit
the chosen few. Tradition too works as an agency to keep the oppression intact.
In the memoir, I am Malala, Malala elucidates how
politicians rewrote the history of Pakistan to present it to the world as the fortress
of Islam. She exposes how in the fight of big powers like Russia and America,
common Pakistanis were used by brainwashing them to get into a battle in the
name of Jihad. To hold a strong sway, Taliban entered Swat Valley (the place
where Malala belongs) and established their own rules which initially carried
out in manipulating people in the name of Islam. Later Taliban revealed their
true nature which succeeded in traumatizing people in the core of their hearts.
The self-proclaimed protectors of Islam suffocated normal lives by recruiting
moral polices to chastise anyone who refused to follow archaic rituals of Islam.
The desire to retain the power was such that the Taliban did not even shudder
to shoot Malala in her head, merely a school girl; because she was a threat, a
voice of a rebel. However, Malala decided to stand up for her rights. Malala
later became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. At the end
of her memoir, Malala firmly articulated that, “Islam says every girl and every
boy should go to school. In the Quran it is written, God wants us to have
knowledge. (IAM- 263).
Education is one
of the crucial factors that can change a person’s life. It not only enables one
to be free from prejudices but makes one confident, self-sufficient and most
importantly empowered. By banning girls’ access to school, the Taliban not only
restricted the girls from asserting their identities but wanted to break the
backbone of the culture. In the name of religion down the century, patriarchy
has manipulated people to keep woman always on the margin. Denying education,
modern facility, technology, freedom of choice in terms of clothing, male-centric
society makes women weak, and subservient. By forcing early marriage, seeking
slavery within the marriage, domesticity, and docility, not allowing property
rights or custody of children are some of the strategies to keep the power of
men intact. So when women like Alinejad and Malala start movements to pull the
mask off from those who misuse power in the name of religion and tradition, the
moralizers simply dismiss them as insignificant to be taken into account.
Hence, Malala and Masih’s campaigns not only expose the follies within the
system, but urge women to take stand for themselves by claiming their human
rights. The hypocrisy of such people in power becomes ridiculous, when
patriarchy represents itself as a protecting father, rather than condemning
people who do not allow women to have what are their basic human rights. Even
the laws of most countries which claim to be equal for all citizens only reveals
to be on paper; as practice reveals altogether a shocking reality which not
only allows men to get administrative privileges but also gives the upper hand
to men in heterogeneous relations.
The struggle whose
foundation was laid by Marry Wollstonecraft in 1792 continues even in the
twenty-first century. She was the one who pressed for the education of woman,
demanding equality of status in any marriage. Mill later demanded equal
opportunity for women by allowing them to participate in the workforce so to benefit
humanity with the greater good. Helena Cixous also urged to use writing to
write about female bodies. Feminist consciousness always existed in the east
but remained scattered. During the 1980s, Chandra Mohan Talpade and Spivak questioned
Western feminism through their path-breaking texts and pressed the need to look
at the issues faced by women of different ethnicity individually which was a
welcoming change within the general perception. The story of Alinejad and
Malala are two recent examples that narrate the tale of the multifarious face
of patriarchy in operation. The network is at once complex and multi-layered. Religious
extremism, archaic mindset, political tension, war, gender role, nationalism,
colonial and anti-colonial history of a nation, all play a pivotal role in
gender construction.
Masih and Malala at present are living in
exile in fear of execution. They are thrice removed from the center as women,
belonging to east and colored women within the completely different culture in the
west. Their aim is to seek freedom of choice on a different level, but
ultimately mirrors the desire to claim the center. Malala who got shot in her
head for only wishing to be educated, refuses to be known to the world as a
victim of the Terrorism but as a girl who stood for education. Masih Alinejad
as the face of the modern Iranian women stands without her headscarf, asserting
her freedom of choice. Her campaign has stirred the whole Iran urging women to
allow wind to pass through their hair.
The stories of the
two women, Malala and Alinejad give a horrific account of women’s lives. Both scribble
their trajectory since the day they were born. Their birth was not celebrated
affairs in their respected countries and communities. While growing up, they
were conscious of the disparity in treatment within the family as well as society.
The restriction imposed by the society while growing up and the domesticity
imposed since adolescence, which imprinted the social hierarchy of men has been
candidly confessed. The strategy of Taliban and Islamic republic’s dispersion to
de-center women are captured in denying any kind of modernization of the
society, especially of the women as ignorance of people only can allow the
power to remain intact. The systematic strategy to wipe out the presence of
women from the public sphere gets exposed again and again in their narratives.
Alinejad recounts
her horrific experience being a woman in Iran as the compulsory hijab got
imposed on her once she turned seven. She writes how her hair was kept hostage
for 30 years; she even thought her hair being alien to the rest of her body and
the very tradition got imprinted in her psyche in such a way that she could not
initially take out her headscarf, even when she was outside of Iran. The thick
layers of various body cover forced to be worn by Iranian women itself is so
taxing and suffocating that the very idea of stepping out of the house becomes
a Herculean job. She questions the duality of the society as, why it’s only
women who need to wear hijab? Why not men? She goes further on speaking against the terrors
of moral policies in Iran who not only impose fines on women who refuse to
follow the strict hijab but also hand down severe punishment for disobedience.
Her story has resonance in most of the countries of east including Pakistan.
A woman’s body is
a symbol of sin, object of weakness. A body as a site shame which must be
concealed rather than be celebrated. Masih’s story is a collective story of the
rueful condition of women under the Islamic republic. Alienijad’s early
marriage, her imprisonment for political writings, her struggle to find a job,
divorce, losing custody of her son, her exile, the White Wednesday movement, death threats from extremists all candidly reflects
the apt-mirror of Iranian society. Iranian authority, even tried to fool people
by showing fake news of Alienijad’s rape
in London, intending the need of hijab in the public domain to avoid rape and
sexual assault. Malala had a different, yet similar kind of struggle where her valley
was a site of the battlefield between common masses and the Taliban. The result
was only destruction, mass killing and fractured childhood of many. Her story
lay bore a shocking reality of female maladies under Taliban rule. Girls were
denied education, any kind of entertainment, had to observe segregation from
boys, strict restriction of certain dress code, forced to be married to
terrorists, used as sex slaves. Though, Malala, a mere teenage girl decided to
revolt. Her memoir challenges the conservatives who spread the false rumor that
educating woman is un-Islamic. Malala writes the irony of the situation as the Taliban
wants female teachers in girls’ school but do not allow women to receive an education.
Her story is about a struggle of a daughter as well as of a father who believed
in gender equality and the need for education for a better future of a country.
Malala continues to fight for women’s education. She refuses to bow down to
Taliban who threatens her every day with death threats; eventually her battle
against death and miraculous survival unites the whole world against Terrorism.
By taking up writing, Malala and Alinejad challenge the dominant structure, questions
censorship, and demand equal opportunities.
Religion is one’s personal
faith. However, in post-modern society, it has reduced into a systematic following
of some stagnant rituals; and today, more than anything a medium of repression.
There is no single reason why women lost the center or why men always wish to
hold the center. Why women in east lacked unified movement, unlike the West? One
reason could be women themselves who instead of standing for each other mostly
take the side of men and carry the patriarchal oppression. Another could be the
lack of self-importance as eastern society puts family first rather than
individual. Others could be illiteracy, financial dependence and so on.
The struggle to get
the center will continue in women’s part and the latest addition to fighting
back is #meToo movement that has opened a new debate exposing the raw face of
hardcore patriarchy of the east. Alinejad and Malala are two catalysts seeking
change among several who are questioning the complex net woven by patriarchy to
keep women in a subordinate state through various ongoing malpractices. Malala
and Alinejad with their bold inks do not seek any sympathy. They just wish to
get the support of the world by attracting the attention towards their society
where they are no better than mere cattle. They want to expose the miserable
state they live in. They do not want to accept defeat without fighting. And the
result is the tremendous support that they are getting not only from their
countries but from the whole world.
Today, women
activists in east are uniting to build resistance against the patriarchal
mindset, to not only free themselves but also men who are equally pained by
such construction. In the wake of globalization the concept of family, gender
relations, traditional notions have undergone a drastic change. The counter
attack has already started because modern women are not ready to be second
class citizens. It’s time to accept the change as women cannot be the angel in
the house always; they are not objects of men’s prey either. Women have learned
to say no to resist de-centering. They want to assert themselves and determine
to create a society where they can realize their dreams. So men need to come
out in support of women because no society can truly progress without all its
members’ effort. In addition, religious reforms are required to include women
in the mainstream. To wind up, I am quoting
few lines from The Wind In My Hair
where Alinejad writes her mother’s words which echo the fight of women
demanding equal rights suitably, “If they lock the front door, go in through
the back door. If the doors are barred, go through the window. If they shut the
windows, climb in through the chimney. Never let them lock you out. Always try
to get in.” (TWIMH-156).
Work Cited
Alinejad, Masih. The wind in my hair: my fight for freedom in modern Iran. London:
Virago Press. 2018. Print.
Banerjee, Sudeshna. ed. Indian Women: Post Colonial context.Kolkata: Academic
Publication.2010. Print.
Jain, Jasbir. ed. Growing
up as a woman writer. New Delhi : Sahitya Akademi. 2007. Print.
Yousafzai, Malala.
I Am Malala; The girl who stood up for education and shot by Taliban.
London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 2013. Print.
About Dr. Joyita Shaw
Dr. Joyita Shaw is a guest lecturer of Bidhan Chandra College,
Department of English, and West Bengal, India. She has recently finished her
doctoral research from Banaras Hindu University, India. Her areas of interest
are Short
Fiction, Women’s Writings, Diaspora Writings, Indian Writings in English, and Gender
Studies. She has presented papers in various conferences and seminars across
the country. She writes poetry in English as well as in Bengali. Her poems have
gotten published in some reputed magazines and journals. Her research articles
related to women’s writings have gotten published in several international
journals. Her email id is joyitashaw603@gmail.com.
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