K├бroly S├бndor Pallai
photo © Korn├йl Kert├йsz |
K├бroly S├бndor Pallai is a Hungarian
oceanist, historian of literature, poet, translator and editor. He is the first
Hungarian translator of several languages. His poems have been published in
journals and anthologies worldwide. In his 2017 book, Subjectivit├йs seychelloises, he gives a detailed analysis of the
contemporary poetry of the Seychelles. In his Mosa├пque des oc├йans, he gives an account of the major ideas,
notions and dynamics shaping identity in the literatures of the Caribbean, the
Indian Ocean and Oceania. His third book, Microlectures
polyn├йsiennes presents the notions of identity and insularity in the
contemporary writing of French Polynesia. He collected and translated the poems
of K├бroly Fellinger in French in 2015 (B├йtonni├иre
ivre). He analyzed his poetry in his preface written to this collection of
poems and in his article Metaphoricity and
tropes of ontological condensation in K├бroly Fellinger’s Humility. He is the English
translator of K├бroly Fellinger’s bilingual collection of tales, Kincsesl├бda/The Treasure Chest,
published in 2017.