by Vatsala Radhakeesoon
(Translated from Albanian language by Peter Tase and Irida Zusi)Born in Albania but now settled in Belgium, Agron Shele is a novelist and poet who writes with remarkable astuteness, softness and sensitivity. He is the editor and administrator of Atunis Poetry website and keeps on working hard to promote the works of contemporary writers. Here goes an enriching dialogue with this eminent and dynamic author of our time.
Vatsala Radhakeesoon: Agron Shele , welcome to Setu!
Please tell us about your earlier life, background and actual life?
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Vatsala Radhakeesoon |
V.R : What/who have been the propelling
forces in making you become a writer?
A.S : I have been influenced by both local and foreign literature. My country has a rich tradition in literature influenced by cultures and mythologies that date back to ancient times. It also has oriental influences and western traditions that are embodied on each master piece. The Albanian writers such as Ismail Kadare, Diana ├Зuli and Petro Marko have left many deep roots on my personal formation as a writer. I have been much impressed by the versatility and musicality of their powerful words or poetry. Among the foreign authors, works by Baudelaire, Stephan Zweig, Theodor Dreiser and Erik Segal have been my guides.
V.R: How does the writing process go for you, from the initial inspiration stage to the final crafting of a poem or novel?
: To write a poem, I just need the inspiration of a moment. This is followed by the creation of the image,
the selection of words, their figuration, the symbolism used and the message
transmitted extended in space and time.
Prose- writing is completely different. The novel, by its own nature as a literary genre and building structure gives the opportunity to create the right space for a much wider expression, deeper, more colorful, more editorial, and as such, it conveys messages and sets ideas to bring models of human nature. Firstly I choose the themes. Then, the plot, character creation and the right setting follow.
Prose- writing is completely different. The novel, by its own nature as a literary genre and building structure gives the opportunity to create the right space for a much wider expression, deeper, more colorful, more editorial, and as such, it conveys messages and sets ideas to bring models of human nature. Firstly I choose the themes. Then, the plot, character creation and the right setting follow.
V.R: Are there particular themes that you
enjoy bringing forth in your literary works?
: Yes of course. My main themes in prose writings are
related to the youth’s world. In my
poetry, the themes are derived from Greek and Roman mythology and the
contemporary issues.
V.R : Who are your favourite novelists/poets and how have they impacted on your poetry and prose- writing?
: I travel through poetry and prose and those who
inspire me the most are those who emphasize on life, its concepts and
illusions, its magic and mysticism but
also the natural elements, the color of seasons, the beauty of a blossoming
flower of spring, or the feeling that is shared through the fall of a leaf in
autumn and dawn fading away or a rebirth
of a sun in the morning. These traces
become so deep so that symbolized through the human nature are like the body
and soul. They impose upon me a rare emotion but also a creative muse for my
art. Those authors that are always
filled with magic for me and that I read frequently are: Charles Baudelaire, T. S. Elliot, Stefan
Zweig and Dan Brown.
V.R : Being the editor of Atunis, you are constantly in touch with poets all around the globe on a daily basis. What is the actual trend of writing prevailing in contemporary literature as far as themes, styles and literary moods are concerned? Do you think there is a specific literary movement emerging or ongoing nowadays?
: I think that poets have a strong foundation of the
cultures that they represent and they are the products of the cultures of their
countries all the way to reaching the highest point of their artistic levels
and later on when the borders of their work reach higher levels they become
universal writers. So it includes a greater unification with an international cultural
value and with remnants that serve to decipher the time and after time of
diversity in a different art of a tradition that is as new and intriguing for
all readers.
V.R : Based on your observation and knowledge of the literary world, how has the role of the writer changed in the 21 st century?
A.S : The magic of the word is the best articulation of a synthesis and
symbiotic memory for the 21 st century and when words are raised into art the
expressed power touches on the apex with a new high level. Literature with hits magical touch and its
mysticism has always attracted many turbulent souls, souls that are reborn over
the flirting of creational beauty, the beauty of life, natural beauty and
therefore reflect the aspirations, values and the purest thoughts on humanity.
Such a high level of human vitality where the word is transformed into a myth in the production of existence genius is deciphering and shaping endlessly our civilization.
V.R : What advice would you give to emerging and young authors/poets?
Such a high level of human vitality where the word is transformed into a myth in the production of existence genius is deciphering and shaping endlessly our civilization.
V.R : What advice would you give to emerging and young authors/poets?
: I think that young talents after all should first
read the authors who are closest to their literary and aesthetic inspiration,
experiment them until they create a particular style and with the genuine gift
and the work done they will surely create a sustainable and promising profile
for their own future.
V.R: As an experienced author, what message would you like to give to the world?
: The selection of art is an intellectual
responsibility. It also has a mission that must guide the independent and
coherent opinion to build peace and harmony among people, to raise other
rainbows among the skies of societies which represent colors
of hope. I believe we must keep on
building a society that is more liberalized, more open where each one could
find his /her space.
V.R : We sum up this interesting conversation with an extract of your latest novel and a poem.
V.R : We sum up this interesting conversation with an extract of your latest novel and a poem.
For many days dense clouds
surrounded the Dajti Mountain. Autumn… The rains were on the verge of the
beginning of their season. I do not know why I was staying at that small and
solitary cafeteria near Lana, where, except the faint environment, one could
see nothing else. The first drops breathed relieved, when their long feet
touched the pavement that appeared in full vagueness, from the broad background
of the black glass, messy lineaments of the multitude of the droplets of water,
which spread rapidly. Under the feet of the poplar, which exuberated toward the
sky, was created a characteristic grey-dark carpet, generated by the mixture of
the leaves with the dirty water. The twilight that came earlier, added the flux
of multicolored lights of the cars in the main road “Unaza” of the capital. I
looked beyond the glass, with my usual coffee “espresso” in front of me,
without any objective (aimless), as the environment itself that surrounded me
and I did not notice a girl staying in front of my table. I did not understand
anything at that moment; moreover, I was covered by an unusual feeling of
- May I stay with you for a while? – She said, and looked with
an extremely suffering look.
I said nothing. Still I
could not trust my eyes, when the waiter, a boy with small eyes, full of
vitality, took her by the arm and spoke to her:
- Please, Adriane! Do not disturb the clients. You can sit at
your table, beside the counter.
She followed the rhythm of
his steps, whilst the head turned back seemed like asking for help.
- Why do you treat her that way? – I said to the waiter.
- Adriane is sick. This way
she behaves with all. Sits at their table and talks nonsense.
- Let her alone, - I could
say to him and, a feeling of sympathy surrounded me for that rare beauty that
appeared in front of my eyes.
- As you wish, but, do not
complain to me afterwards! - He said and went to the counter.
She did not wait longer. She
threw a glance anxiously; afterwards she sat on the chair in front of me.
Shadows of suspicion still had not disappeared. The multitude of the questions,
that why was I staying still there and, worse than that, with such a person,
dispersed all my being.
You look a good person. The others hate me and they turn me out always.
- You should not think ill of yourself! - I
said to her mostly to pacify her.
- You do not know me, but I deserve the
greatest punishment of this world! – And tears rolled down her face.
- Drink something hot, it does you good! – I
showed my care and pointed at the counter.
The waiter brought tea,
while she, with trembling hands, pressed the cup. So fragile a creature, so
sweet, did not deserve this destiny, which had thrown her beyond the life and
dragged her in the endless roads. The regular lines of the body, the round and
white face, the curly hair over the shoulders, still showed the luminous look
of the past.
She stood quiet, subdued,
the same as that statue in the course of construction, which waits what shape
it will be given. She cast any skeptical look and shriveled within the endless
anxiety. Her lips trembled, wanting to express something untold, perhaps to
kill the ill feeling accumulated from a time that I did not know. Stepped in
the remnants of the life in the past, ruined by the fatal past, she suffered
the sin she had done and slandered everywhere her lost self.
- She was my best friend.
God punished me for this, - and she put her hands over the wet hair.
I handled her my handkerchief and with a
rather friendly tone, I tried to somewhat pacify her, although, after each
uttered phrase, broken , sometimes meaningless, expressed in the most dramatic
way, I understood how life abandoned but never denied.
– Agron
Shele, Beyond the grey curtain
Autumn in Tirana
In Tirana that is lost in
water creeks,
Through extended water drips
in the windows of crystals,
In the abandoned benches
from all this unrest
In the naked trees all the
way to forgiveness.
Even its returning tears of
meditation instants,
Forgotten old romances in
Returning painfully in the soft
Yellow paper of my diary.
In Tirana of the earlier
Of a bench that is always
naked with green flowers,
Of the last glass dropped
through ridges
Pieces of lips, skies of
And longing for passed
For the deeming of light in
the white soul,
For the life thrown away
through angles of reflections,
For the abandoned leaves
from all this demise.
And traces in every heart
For her…for someone…for
Of after times that are
knocked in so much noise
…and of autumn e melancholic
Agron Shele
(Translated by Peter Tase)
Agron Shele
(Translated by Peter Tase)
V.R: Thank you very much Agron Shele for
joining us on Setu!
A.S: You are welcome!
A.S: You are welcome!
Biography: Agron Shele
Agron Shele was born in 7 October 1972 in the Village of Leskaj, city of Permet, Albania. He is the author of the following literary works: “The Steps of Clara” (Novel), “Beyond a grey curtain” (Novel), “Wrong Image” (Novel) , “Innocent Passage” (Poetry) and “Ese-I”. He is also the coordinator of International Anthologies: “Open Lane- 1,” “Pegasiada , Open Lane- 2 and ATUNIS magazine. He is a member of the Albanian Association of Writers, the World Writers Association, in Ohio, United States, Poetas del Mundo, WPS, Unione world Poetry and the President of the International Poetical Galaxy “Atunis”. His works have been published in many newspapers, national and international magazines as well as published in many global anthologies: Almanac 2008, World Poetry Yearbook 2009, 2013, 2015, The Second Genesis -2013, Kibatek 2015-Italy Keleno- Greece. He currently lives in Belgium and continues to dedicate his time and efforts in publishing literary works with universal values.
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