Chaitali Sengupta is a published writer, translator,
journalist from the Netherlands. A regular contributor to the Dutch online newspaper
Eindhoven News, she writes and translates for other Dutch media
platforms too. Her poems, short stories and articles have appeared in many
literary platforms in India too, like Muse India, Indian Periodical, Borderless
Journal, Setu Bilingual, The Asian Age, The Statesman, Different Truths.
Her translated work “Quiet Whispers of our Heart” (Orange Publishers, 2020)
received good reviews at the International Book Fair, Kolkata, India. Her poems
are part of acclaimed anthologies, published from both the USA and India.
** ISSN 2475-1359 **
* Bilingual monthly journal published from Pittsburgh, USA :: рдкिрдЯ्рд╕рдмрд░्рдЧ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рд╕े рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢िрдд рдж्рд╡ैрднाрд╖िрдХ рдоाрд╕िрдХ *
Chaitali Sengupta: Poetry (Voices Within 2021)
Threads of desires
stitch the moments of life.
Flame-colored desires
drifting up through
a thousand aching fissures
in our hearts...
wandering and wending,
carving a jagged path through our being,
murmuring the tales of yen, glass- crystal;
riddling us, tearing us in two,
until we surrender
to it’s hissing voice of longings.
November in our soul
Wet bark
Ripe apples
Burning firewood
Mouldy mushrooms
Mournful thoughts
Warm quilt
Cozy covers
Falling leaves
Crisp air
Chorus of colors...
a landscape coming alive in its dying.
An end to one season,
a beginning for another;
tints of November
lingering in the frosty network
of our souls,
like memories
of falling leaves.
You never walk alone
You never walk alone;
the pebbles of your lot trudge along,
some scars meet up at the next bend,
summoning the stubborn hills of responsibilities;
and the burden of sorrows,
betrayed by destination, follow on foot.
Sometimes, on the old mission trail,
some good thoughts
join in,
carrying the last smiles of the year,
like a fragrance through the air.
They come, then leave
as suddenly as they come.
Yet, I’m not left alone;
for, I walk
to the song in my heart,
to the caress of the grass,
under the detached blue of the sky
with muffled footsteps…
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