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Rob Harle |
by Robert Maddox_Harle (aka Rob Harle)
(The reader is asked to
engage “a willing suspension of disbelief” whilst reading this experimental story!)
Then I only have this to
ask of you.
"Is your own fate, equally, if not more determined than an Oedipal tantrum?" The majority, through no fault of their own, are inspired directly through mediocrity. Some call this life.
"Is your own fate, equally, if not more determined than an Oedipal tantrum?" The majority, through no fault of their own, are inspired directly through mediocrity. Some call this life.
We ordinary inept
mortals, at a deeper level, know that it operates as powerfully as a father
from beyond the grave. These deep-seated archetypal fears function as our
accountant in analysis. The author has many versions to serve as a reminder of
the dangers involved for transubstantiation.
Ideological propaganda,
which not only maintains the status quo of incest, but incest with one's
protector hero, is for many people a cruel trap. We must resist being absorbed into American
Imperialism, it may only be that its affect does not lie in reconciling us to
the very status quo, a steady-state discourse.
Remember, the factors we
crush in the fate-freewill dichotomy will allow us to rise above Freudian
analysis and maybe, just maybe Oedipus' parricide. I do not think Oedipus was a
man of significant colour sense at a fundamental level.
It matters not for example
whether Oedipus is a cultural function like Superman. How much more
enlightening to see how a man, girl or transvestite can repress facts, this may
seem to be a preferred outcome. The
status quo of Jesus as he went about, was not slaying dragons but their
metaphorical transfigurations. His relationship with his mythological father
was purely a Freudian slip, barely tolerated now, and definitely not
reinforcing King Oedipus' power to shackle us. Despite the Church, Joan
dressing as a man, wearing armour and redefining normality was one of the
greatest threats to our evolution in a transgression which resulted in heresy
and renunciation of supernatural powers. Such as being able to fly. For if we
today do not believe in fate, psychic forces, and natural ethics, Superman as
an ideologue points to a serious sickness.
Women are all treated as
objects and must resist being absorbed into an Oedipal construction network. We
need to realise just what constitutes the status quo. Then would (g)God's grace
be reinstated? No! In other words, Jesus is a character in the play, A Tragedy
Of Destiny. Though this is not essential
to Oedipus using a club or sword to kill his father and to blow apart the
hierarchies which he challenged. No! Not content either with usurping – Truth,
Justice and The Moral Right. We must then ask was Oedipus a discourse in
technological materialism conceived in a thesis that arouses considerable
psychoanalytical interest.
The closing scenes of
divine control seem to indicate we have no choice in the matter. Destined to go
through the Oedipal maze which distorts the picture to absurdity. The whole
concept is a complete misunderstanding of Neitzsche, even if we take new types
of medication. The problem is quite possibly phylogenetic, but in disguise. It
is in disguise!
Oedipus could have
avoided his actions by using Electroconvulsive Therapy or even perhaps
unravelling a few strands of deoxyribonucleic acid. Teiresias asks the
"Did he touch the very core of human existence and spawn the hype that Superman's, not ┼кbermensch's, discourse leaves out"?
"Did he touch the very core of human existence and spawn the hype that Superman's, not ┼кbermensch's, discourse leaves out"?
is important for the status quo, the state anything is or was, to transcend the
destiny of that which could have been.
The Oedipal drama in a
natural world reconciles us to a Whirling Dervish of fate. It involves destiny
and the Moral Right to undergo analysis. Assertions that Oedipus' destiny moves
us in an unnatural world is a predetermined desire to fulfil its more deep
seated archetypal fears and functions. Bipartisan, polynomial real functions.
Oedipus perhaps more
than any other myth is a contrast between destiny and human will and its
outcome cannot be predicted. Not even by the Tarot reader who haunts - The
If we understand the
original myth on the one hand and on the other hand the three main reasons for
us being so moved, we had to reinvigorate or restore the patriotic status quo.
Only then could we could believe Marx to be a reminder of the dangers of the
aristocratic origins of those he ordered about.
Hailed as
post-contemporary hero he affirms this proposition. In his miraculous,
superhuman Oedipal complexity, stuck between the age of supernatural alien
parameters of the divinely controlled superhero with the corporate logo
emblazoned on his Laptop he faces the fate versus fee will problem.
The Sartrean
double-blind-trial of history. In different nations at different times, the
status quo, born from a woman and suckled as Oedipus, he has a repressed desire
to fulfil its more transparent responsibilities. Manipulated by false gods we ask,
"Are we all in a sense, condemned to be Oedipal?"
"Are we all in a sense, condemned to be Oedipal?"
Young people take over as (g)God's prophets in a succession of
transvestites and androgynes, which are accepted today, according to their age
in a natural progression of logarithmic myths.
To absolve oneself from
the responsibilities raises, the again innate problem, that has civilisation in
a turmoil. We have not produced conclusive evidence that plants, like people,
suffer like the hapless Oedipus. Even their source of anger is utterly
unacceptable because of an innate interpretation of their latent biochemistry.
We claim that the
Oedipal Complex arises at the age of innocence. All human actions are a most
serious cultural fa├зade, characterised by a democratic free enterprise
capitalist tragedy, reconciling us to an experiment that could have averted our
destiny. That's correct – averted the
whole f**king mess!
Jesus was not anti-sex,
anti-democracy, nor antagonistic to the non-Oedipal whores with seeing eyes and
happy mothers. An incestuous
relationship with the closing scenes of life reinforces the duality, super hero
or inept mortal. An unsound character, one who thinks only of the essence of
the myth and pretends he is a male hero. A contemporary hero who walks in the
park each day. An individual who can achieve with unshakeable faith, in a
father who came to kill his (g)God, a zest for life.
I can't watch television
any more, too many archetypal male protectors, saving society from evil and
complex universal and phylogenetic disasters.
The closer we get to the best possible understanding of performing
miracles the further we get from understanding the pretence that Oedipus was a
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