The Harbour

of a warm summer's evening
Boats bob like corks
in the secure harbour walls
Coloured lights dance
The chinking of glasses
Our world feels alive
in the vibrancy outside
The calming wash of the gentle tide
Waves caressing the sands
Folks look on in wonderment
at the reflection of the moon and the stars
Hope and prosperity in abundance
People relaxed and at peace
The fret of tomorrow is distant
Content, their moment, their harbor life
The Semblance of Love
Bound in the rings of our life 's declaration
The shrouding protection of a warming embrace
Flooding pure light, Divinely hypnotic
Sacred in the heart, a universal symbol of love
The clutch of a hand softly guiding our way
The self-sacrifice of forgiveness, to heal the wounds of another
Unrequited or unconditional, nothing owed or is it sought
Serving and nourishing , a loved one preserved
Love in its blindness, without shape, without form
Let the soul recognize our true oneness.
Our Beloved Guests
We welcome you ,our beloved guests
Part of us but free
We're here to help you navigate
Not control your onward journey
Learn from me for what I know
Let others pass their wisdom
Challenge each, one and all
To ensure your way is yours
Beware of life's unseen shackles
Let your spirit remain open and free
Fun and joy we've offered
With opportunities to grow
Go out and look, seek to find
It's your time to stand alone.
The calm serenity
of a warm summer's evening
Boats bob like corks
in the secure harbour walls
Coloured lights dance
The chinking of glasses
Our world feels alive
in the vibrancy outside
The calming wash of the gentle tide
Waves caressing the sands
Folks look on in wonderment
at the reflection of the moon and the stars
Hope and prosperity in abundance
People relaxed and at peace
The fret of tomorrow is distant
Content, their moment, their harbor life
The Semblance of Love
Bound in the rings of our life 's declaration
The shrouding protection of a warming embrace
Flooding pure light, Divinely hypnotic
Sacred in the heart, a universal symbol of love
The clutch of a hand softly guiding our way
The self-sacrifice of forgiveness, to heal the wounds of another
Unrequited or unconditional, nothing owed or is it sought
Serving and nourishing , a loved one preserved
Love in its blindness, without shape, without form
Let the soul recognize our true oneness.
Our Beloved Guests
We welcome you ,our beloved guests
Part of us but free
We're here to help you navigate
Not control your onward journey
Learn from me for what I know
Let others pass their wisdom
Challenge each, one and all
To ensure your way is yours
Beware of life's unseen shackles
Let your spirit remain open and free
Fun and joy we've offered
With opportunities to grow
Go out and look, seek to find
It's your time to stand alone.