Rob Harle
A Study Of His Artistic Universe
Edited by Sunil Sharma & Sangeeta Sharma
Published by AuthorsPress, New Delhi. 2015
pp.209. $20 USD; Rs 395
ISBN No: 978-93-5207-014-5
Multi-Dimensional Forays Of One Man Into The Universe
Of Art
“... within the matrix that forms this planet there
are many hidden equations breathlessly waiting to have their unrequited genius
discovered by a humanity that has been led to believe it is powerless in its
imagination to make a difference”.
Tonia Haynes in The Renaissance Man
Tonia Haynes in The Renaissance Man
Rob Harle is that genius, that man described in the
quote above - a phenomena - an artist to whom the universe speaks a special
language through the voice of his soul. The Renaissance Man seeks to capture
Rob's unique talents and align them in its pages - like assembling all the
geniuses of the world under one roof, only, in Rob's case, the geniuses are all
within one man. He is that one entity who approaches art from many dimensions
and displays inordinate levels of accomplishment at whatever he does. The book
is essentially a compilation of Rob Harle's work from the viewpoint of editors,
writers, poets and critics - each focusing on one aspect of his art.
The writers are intimately familiar with his work and provide a global perspective on the depth of his art. The book, in that sense, rises above being a Indo Australian venture and becomes relevant to any individual across the globe.
Vivekananda Jha, in his essay on the multi faceted
personality of Rob Harle, says:
"...his distinctiveness is expressed in the form
of .... a draftsman, designer, electrician, artist, philosopher, psychotherapist,
poet and author...ardent reviewer for print books and documentary films.... In
his work, society, history, art, culture, philosophy, religion, myth, ideology,
sociobiology, artificial as well as natural intellect homogeneously hone making
his work an organic whole." (p.121i)
Vinita Agrawal |
The book is divided into chapters penned by a plethora
of experienced writers. The essays are followed by a review of Building Bridges
- the Indo-Australian anthology he has compiled followed by nano appreciation
verses in praise of his sculptures, poetry and digital artwork. Towards the
end, the editors, Sunil and Sangeeta Sharma pay a befitting tribute to the Rob
via a poem inspired by one of his breathtaking digital art piece and long
literary interview and a tongue-in-cheek round of rapid fire questions.
In his piece on Rob's poetry, Aju Mukhopadhyay writes,
"Rob has written very few poems out of temporary
passion and passing notion. He writes with full conviction about the subject
matter of his poems... the outcomes of his philosophic mind ..."
(p. 35)
There's something compelling about reading the words
of a writer who's come face to face with his consciousness- or perhaps the
essence of consciousness underlying all of mankind. Which is why, Elizabeth
McCardell writes of Rob
" he works, reflects how he thinks and how
he thinks reflects in how he works. It is in this that his genius lies. He
produces work that enfleshes his basic philosophy."(p.37)
A little further she says
"Rob in exploring his own consciousness... is
contributing to his own psycho-physiological healing." She quotes Rob from
one of his academic papers titled Biobehavioural Basis Of Art (2008), saying -
"With cultural dynamics and our very biology we create ourselves as we
create art." A rather provocative thought that takes us back to the age
old pantheism that we are our own Gods. That God manifests through us...and
more startlingly, that perhaps there is no line of distinction between man and
God. That we are the masters of our own destiny. Because, Rob's art manifests
itself in various fine arts, McCardell rightly describes him as a transdciplinary thinker". (p. 38)
In an attempt to understand Rob's verses. Gopal
Lahiri, states
"Rob has turned space... into poetic opportunity.
... his poems showcase a world that struggles with cohesion and unity."
(p. 54) He quotes Rob's own words:
What is it to be human?
Merely a silhouette of love and hate?
And, further
Our primitiveness is challenged daily,
by an insidious digital invasion.
Rob is an abashed, self-labeled futurist. Gopal Lahiri
drives home the point that Rob has been essaying for a long time - that what is
gratifying is also terrifying. In Rob's own words - we are "terrified of
an unending future, yet horrified by the finite blackness of the past."
Jaydeep Sarangi, a poet, academician and critic from
Kolkata, also pens his thoughts on Rob's poetry. He tries to summarize Rob's
poetry published in two books - Scratches and Deeper Wounds and Mechanisms
Of Desire. Sarangi focuses on the enigmatic nature of Rob's poetry. His
approach is personal and engaging and easygoing. He quotes Rob himself in an
attempt to define the poet's work - "My concern is to explore the
phenomenon of consciousness and our 'apparent' aloneness in this
universe." (p. 71) Most of his poems deal with both personal and
mosaic of his experiences, Sarangi adds.
PCK Prem, also contributes an essay on Rob's poetry to
the book. He extracts some of the most moving and soul stirring verses from
Rob's work. To quote a few: (pp. 76 -98)
Old human vessels sail slowly,
sometimes silently,
egos are the only terminal events in history
and dissolve when the river becomes the sea.
(Growing old - Time, Mechanisms of Desire)
My right to life and love and death
is carved in burning stone
And my personal favorite:
empty, heartless, barren
your life is a useless farce
when your children cower and freeze
in the sewer of your mind
( Betrayal- Scratches & Deeper Wounds)
The book also carries a brief biography of Rob Harle,
authored by Jack Lister G Clark. There are several images of Rob's sculptures and
digital art forms interspersed in the article. The visuals enable the reader to
make an immediate connection with the artist behind the work. Rob's sculpture
titled Sound of Silence is eye catching and moving. Another piece, called
Depression is also extremely apt for the title it carries. His digital art
called Young Cyborg too is a splendid representation of the futuristic youth.
Clark's biography traces the step by step progress of
Rob's professional life, his formal education and the highlights of his career.
Reading the essay, one concludes that Rob is indeed Australia's Nimbin settled,
national treasure!
When the pages of the book veer towards Rob's career
as a sculptor, we as readers learn fascinating facts about Rob's professional
life as a carver of plaster stone, sandstone, camphor wood, terra-cotta and
marble. Sandra Joran reveals that Rob's reclusive life on a remote country farm
gave him " the freedom to develop his sculptural vision and skills and
produce some of the finest pieces." She mentions that Rob considers
Hawkesbury River valley as his spiritual home because according to him "here
the sandstone, River and Australian bush exist in perfect harmony."
(p.99 – 100)
Rob confesses in an interview towards the end of the
book, that "the journey of the most serious artists in Australia is an
arduous one. Australia is a cultural backwater...and to be always be up against
this antipathy is quite soul destroying." (p. 165-166)
The essay by Sunil Sharma titled The Unseen Rob Harle
is particularly memorable. The author confesses to Rob being his “long-distance
friend and adopted elder brother”. His essay on Rob is personal and uncovers the angst
and hurt simmering beneath the surface in Rob's life. It seeks to place Rob
into a time frame. Of course it can't! Because, Sunil Sharma admits that Rob is
a man ahead of his times...or in another sense, he lives in many ages
simultaneously. Perhaps he lives “beyond the pale of time." In any
case, he “disrupts temporal
sequence”, he is a “transcendental being”. Sunil
Sharma finally settles into calling him a mystic. The words in Sunil Sharma's
tribute to Rob display palpable affection and immense respect for Rob the
artist and the man. Clearly The Renaissance Man is labor of love for an artist
who exceeds all expectations.
While the book captures and encapsulates the work and
thoughts of Rob Harle for the present generation and for posterity, it is
important to also remember the greater relevance of this book - namely the
complete recognition by a few that one man can make a difference to our world.
We must, each one of us, endeavor to be that person. And if we need a role
model to look up to, someone who can inspire us on our individual journey, then
Rob Harle has already set the path, shown the way. That in essence is the
subtle message of this compelling book. It describes the extraordinary journey
of a single man against all odds and in so doing, it motivates us to rise above mediocrity and complacence in the pursuit of of
our own lives.
Author of three books of poetry, Vinita is a Mumbai based, award winning poet and writer. Recipient of the Gayatri GaMarsh Memorial Award for Literary Excellence, USA, 2015, her poems have appeared in Asiancha, Constellations, The Fox Chase Review, Pea River Journal, Open Road Review, Stockholm Literary Review, Poetry Pacific, Mithila Review and over a 100 other national and international journals. She is contributing editor for She was nominated for the Best of the Net Awards in 2011. She was awarded first prize in the Wordweavers Contest 2014, commendation prize in the All India Poetry Competition 2014 and won the 2014 Hour of Writes Contest thrice. Her poems have found a place in significant national and international anthologies. She has read at SAARC events, at the U.S. Consulate, at Delhi Poetree and at Cappucino Readings, Mumbai. She can be reached at and at