Michael R. Burch is an American poet who lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Beth, their son Jeremy, and five outrageously spoiled puppies. His poems, essays, articles, short stories and letters have appeared more than 2,500 times in publications which include TIME, USA Today, The Hindu, BBC Radio 3, Light Quarterly, The Lyric, Measure, Writer's Digest—The Year's Best Writing, Unlikely Stories and hundreds of other literary journals, websites and blogs. Mike Burch is also the editor of The HyperTexts, a former columnist for the Nashville City Paper and, according to Google's search term rankings, a relevant online publisher of Holocaust poetry and poems about Hiroshima, the Trail of Tears, Darfur, Haiti and the Nakba. He has two published books, Violets for Beth (White Violet Press, 2012) and O, Terrible Angel (Ancient Cypress Press, 2013). A third book, Auschwitz Rose, is forthcoming from Multicultural Books.