B S Tyagi |
B. S. Tyagi
(i)In the garden all alone I am sitting
Moon beams are raining all around
Nature at its best but no bird chirping
Dry twigs and leaves cover the ground
Peace, piety and joy enchantingly abound
At times trees softly rustle at the far end
But alas! Nothing so engaging here I found
Though something soothing the stars send,
Celestial song the Almighty has ever penned.
Full-moon is shining in the cloudless sky
Its glory and grace floating in the crisp air
Pious quietude fills the earth and the sky
Presence of the Spirit prevails everywhere
Dew drops beginning to fall from the air
Grass looks, wet, clear, bright and bare
Everything in holy silence is drowned
Such Nature’s boundless bounty rare
When heavenly bliss descends on the ground
A moment before wind passed grazing me
Hundreds of leaves are lying under my feet
Like my dreams trampled down I can see
To lonesome heart they wished to give a beat
But as ugly and unwanted them they treat
Disgrace and denial in the world they meet
To such a man nothing remains alluring
And dreams all small or big untimely fleet
All friends and dear ones no more assuring
Now the wind is calm, the night is still
Like my lovely dreams tired and asleep
Restive heart needs a tranquilizing pill
Good harvest of miseries here I’m to reap
Burden of decaying dreams breaks my will
Unlike these silent trees I feel no high thrill
All the leaves will be lying here no more
The heat of time dries up my hopes’ rill
At the end of life’s journey I’m lying on the shore
In the fields far, far away leaves are lying
Where they decompose into a life anew
And serve as manure to the seeds growing
Gentle breeze coming to help all renew
No sign of life poor dreams are showing
As if buried in musty cell began destroying
Unlike these leaves they have lost glow
Slowly towards the grave they’re going
Soon before my eyes disappear without taking a bow.
Moon is going slowly behind a fleecy cloud
Lo! Long tree shadows magically shorten
Of this receding beauty one feels proud
Cool pure night and tree tops softly brighten
Despair and grief in my aching heart heighten
Numbness all over slowly begins to grow high
Sitting with down head as if drunken
Now to the world I must say good-bye
My eyes, my cheeks and lips beginning to harden
Its too tenderly done , i appreciate your words and imagery ,