B S Tyagi |
B. S. Tyagi
1 The Best Is Yet To be(1)
On its last legs life crawls
Times come to wind up all,
Bird is restless to fly the coop,
Now I can hear a clear call.
Quite ripe time to leave the world
Now nothing more to reap here,
Sheer bliss and beauty lay ahead,
No pleasures, joys or pains to bear.
Divine soothing light drizzles all over
Exactly right moment to drench in it,
And forget all earthly fret and fever,
So alluring; wait no more even a bit.
No thought of looking back
What’s done; what’s undone
Evanescent are all proud gains
Circle ends where it had begun.
That endless shore is the goalpost
Where ‘the best is yet to be’,
Dreams and desires vanish soon,
Wake up! Come and join me.
2 Afterlife Journey
Never mourn for me when I am gone
Life wrapped in illusion ends with bier,
The glorious path to summit is known,
Assign mortal frame to the roaring fire.
Hereafter the ethereal body rises up
Towards that soothing Divine light,
The uncaged soul in chariot breezes up,
To mingle with Immortality, too right.
Nothing tiresome or tortuous on the way
It’s only covered with lots of worldly dust,
Now everything lies ahead as clear as day,
Power, prize fame look like a showy bust.
Through the seven worlds the chariot goes
Nothing exists in that calm meditative state,
Pains, pleasures or joys, forever they pause,
No sensual emotion of affection, love or hate.
Emptiness paves the path to the wholeness
Its mysterious energy makes the universe,
And expands soul’s experience of nothingness,
It stays above consciousness, boon or curse.
Soul keeps moving nicely discovering itself
In this wondrous, vast and balmy emptiness,
Pure vibes help the soul feel the path of Self,
In the highest world of pure-consciousness.
Here all earthly impressions have vanished
Flashes of ‘no mind’ state begin to appear,
Fruits of pure-consciousness are ravished,
Emancipated soul ever lives there happier.
3 Death- My Companion
She is the only friend I can trust
At her mere glimpse joy abounds
The big balloon of pride is burst
In life nothing everlasting sounds
Long friendship with her I have
So seasoned that never betrays
Ever with me so much I trust have
And comes with smile, not in rage
Her presence ever soothing and healing
Cuts and bruises received in the world
She takes me in motherly arms so lovingly
And put me to rest away from the world
Only serenity reigns, no joy or sorrow there
I can see myriad flowers of wisdom bloom
She invites all to join the paradise there
And ready to take away the pall of gloom
I remember lovely face with deep eyes
Her gentle touch breaks all petty bonds
All melts away with her curses or cries
One lives there joyfully with lasting bonds
Eagerly I wait and wait in the dreary world
Before stepping in Lethe she’ll hold my hand
Then I’ll forget all about this life and world
It’d be soothing to emerge afresh and stand
Brief Biography
B S Tyagi comes from India. He writes in both Hindi and English. He has several books- fiction and non-fiction to his credit. His poems have been included in several anthologies. He writes short stories which regularly appear in national and international literary magazines. His write-ups and poems have appeared in national and international magazines. Besides, he has translated four books of poems. He shies away from public celebrations and prizes.
Talking about something real, this is the best thing i have read.