Volume 4 Issue 6 November 2019
Setu PDF Archives
- Jaydeep Sarangi
- Michael Lee Johnson
- Duane Vorhees
- Leonard Dabydeen
- John Grey
- Ahmad Al-khatat
- Hema Ravi
- B. S. Tyagi
- Probal Basak
Non-Fiction Fiction
Short / Flash Fiction
- Home Away From Home (Chandra Mohan Bhandari)
- The Twins (Rana Preet Gill)
- What a Dog's Night (Subramanian. K.S)
Author of the Month
Serialized Novel
Photo Essay
Nouveau Essay
Contemporary Concerns
Conversations: Cultural, Literary
Book review
European poetry curated by Agron Shele
- Attila El├╝st├╝n (Turkey)
- Bengt Berg (Sweden)
- Bozena Helena Mazur-Nowak (Poland)
- Cornelia Marks (Germany)
Hearty congratulations to Dr. Sunil Sharma and Anurag Sharma for yet another wonderful issue of SETU, Bilingual (Pittsburgh). Enjoyed reading DrRana Preet Gills' story, "The Twins." Liked the affirmative ending -- Live for the living.