is a Pushcart-nominated writer and poet from West Bengal, India. Founder of The
Hooghly Review, she has/will have work published in Dreich Magazine, Amity:
Peace Poems (Hawakal, 2022), Muse India, Taco Bell Quarterly, The
Unconventional Courier, Paddler Press, Misery Tourism, Roi Fain├йant Press, Maw
Poetry Magazine, and others. Tejaswinee is also a lawyer and can be found
tweeting at @TejaswineeRC.
** ISSN 2475-1359 **
* Bilingual monthly journal published from Pittsburgh, USA :: рдкिрдЯ्рд╕рдмрд░्рдЧ рдЕрдоेрд░िрдХा рд╕े рдк्рд░рдХाрд╢िрдд рдж्рд╡ैрднाрд╖िрдХ рдоाрд╕िрдХ *
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