Deeya Bhattacharya hails from the Industrial town of Durgapur. She enjoys painting in verse. she is published in many National and International mag. E-zines, websites in prints and in Anthologies. She has attended Poetry Festivals In Bengaluru and Guntur 2013 and 2014. She is a Haiku poet and a poetry critic.
Mentionable websites and e-zines www.dimdima.com, literary yard.com, Contemporary Literarry riview, Langlit, Criterion), Member of “Poets International”, Bangalore.
Her poems have appeared in’ Poetry World’, Journal of Literatures in English, Gulbarga University, All-Round Monthly (Faridkot) and the website: www.dimdima.com for children, Dimdima in print, Contemporary Vibes (Chandigarh), TAJMAHAL REVIEW (Vol. 12, Number 2, Dec. 2013), HARVESTS OF THE NEW MILLENIUM (Vol. 7, Number 1, 2014, CLRI). www.literaryyard.com, New Academia, Criterion Journal (vol. 5, Issue 4, Aug 2014), Taj Mahal Review (Vol. 13, Number 2, Dec-2014). Subaltern Speak: A Journal Of Postcolonial Studies, Vol. 1 Issue and the English News Paper from Vijaywada The Sunday Hans. and International Mag like Tuck, oddball, Dissident Voice and learningandcreativity.com, The Scarlet Leaf Publishing Review. Duane’s Poetree Blog, Hall Of Poets,Piker Press, Muse –Pie press, Verbal Art, OVS Mag,, Green Silk Journal besides Setu Bilingual Journal of Arts and Literature.
She often writes by her pen name, Oleander, Korobi. She teaches English and Poetry in a State Government High School. She resides with her Husband and twin children in Durgapur, West Bengal, India. She has won a prize at Poetry writing competition organized by Xpress Publications at 7th National Poets Meet, 2016 this year. She has won a special mention category award at Sonnet Writing Competition arranged By Poetry Paradigm, Kolkata India and also Jury’s Favourite Category at a competition held by “English Poetry in India” a popular group on Facebook.
She often writes by her pen name, Oleander, Korobi. She teaches English and Poetry in a State Government High School. She resides with her Husband and twin children in Durgapur, West Bengal, India. She has won a prize at Poetry writing competition organized by Xpress Publications at 7th National Poets Meet, 2016 this year. She has won a special mention category award at Sonnet Writing Competition arranged By Poetry Paradigm, Kolkata India and also Jury’s Favourite Category at a competition held by “English Poetry in India” a popular group on Facebook.
Her anthological appearances are
1. Haiku ( Poets International, 2013, Bangalore)2. Art Of Creating Haiku ( Poets International, 2013, Bangalore)
3. Dr. Fakhruddin’s Poetics and Contemporary World Poets, 2013,
4. The Enchanted World, J.K. C College , Guntur (, Dec, 2013.
5. Aatish- On Fire ( An Anthology concerning social issues).
6. The Rainbow Hues, J.K.C College, Guntur, 2014.
8.Multilingual Anthology from Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, India,2016
9. Women, Wit, Wisdom an Anthology Of Women Poets by Access Publication from Secunderabad, India,2017
8.Multilingual Anthology from Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh, India,2016
9. Women, Wit, Wisdom an Anthology Of Women Poets by Access Publication from Secunderabad, India,2017